Monday, December 31, 2012

Cook of the Year!

There was a little girl with good looks
Who had a big collection of recipe books

When she deceived a blind jury to win the Trophy for the ‘Look of the Year’

Her husband challenged her to win the Trophy for the ‘Cook of the Year’

Determined, she tried all the dishes under the sun

And made her hubby eat them at the point of a gun

Poor husband thought he had invited troubles big

Cos his wife was treating him like a guinea pig

But days passed and the wife mastered the culinary skills

And the guinea pig thoughts stopped giving him the chills

And cos all his favourite dishes were cooked by wifey dear

He awarded her with the Trophy for the 'Cook of the Year'!

This is my first ever poem, composed exactly 11 years ago...on December 31, 2001. It was a humorous take on my wife Preeti's efforts to learn the culinary skills, of which she possessed almost nothing before our wedding in March 2001. Happy to say that she did master those skills much too soon, to everyone's surprise!